Monday, February 16, 2009

One step closer to walkie walkie

My honey bunny is standing!!!

(Well, he's trying at least! )

My little one will be 8mos. old on Friday. We have a video monitor and for the last week, instead of napping, we watch (anxiously) as he's been trying to pull himself up. Mind you, there's no crawling yet...he's still working on that one, he's a roller.

But today, as I sleepily lay in bed at 6:30a watching him quietly babble and explore his crib, I saw it...he was standing and holding onto the rails! I feverishly rubbed my eyes, expecting to find myself hallucinating again (I've done that A LOT since he was born-sleep deprivatoin!) but I wasn' was REAL! I squeal with delight and Brandon runs into the room only to find him plopped on his bum (boo). But I saw it, I know I did! (or did I?)

After his short but sweet AM nap, I plopped him on the floor and we played. It's kind of more like torture though because we're trying to get him to crawl so I put all of his fav toys slightly out of reach. This is a delicate process because if he's not in the right mood, this will set him over the edge and playtime is OVER. Lucky for me, he's a happy, bubbly baby 99.9% of the time, so he considers this an adventure. He takes one crawl, lifts his other leg in the air and suspends it for about 20sec. (as if he's a marionette and his puppet master has taken a short break) and then lunges himself into a roll. He wiggles, rolls, scoots, backwards crawls, pulls himself towards the object of his desire. I'm blushing to say that that very object was me today (hooray!). He maneuvers his way into my lap and grabs onto my shirt and S*T*A*N*D*S U*P!!! I cry and squeal (because that's what I do) and he lets out the biggest giggle heard this side of the Mississippi (I have a friend who can spell that backwards drunk *wink*)! It totally made my day!

We're still waiting on that crawl (I have my video camera in tote whenever there's a possibility he may be mobile), but until then, this will very much do.

It's the little things folks. But I love them most of all.


  1. Awww little bunny!!! I'm so excited to FINALLY see my godson in A MONTH FROM TOMORROW!!!

  2. PS - Yes... I can spell MISSISSIPPI backwards while drunk. That is quite the accomplishment. I have to say I am pretty ding dang proud of that!

  3. What great milestones!!

    They change so quickly and in no time he'll be cruising around your furniture.

    This is my first visit. Drop by and say hi when you get a chance. (as if you have lots of free time) :)

  4. Thank you for finding my blog! I love making new bloggy buddies!

    Your post made me teary eyed:) (I have PMS..can't help it! lol!) I miss my kids being this little!

    Love your blog!
