Monday, March 2, 2009

Sunny day, sweepin the clouds away...

Oh how I long for a sunny day. Wait. Scratch that. I HAD sunny days. It's been in the 50's and for a couple of days...the 60's! For Massachusetts, that's spring baby!

So tell me why I wake up to find this...

Why, oh why, have the sun gods forsaken me?

Have they forgotten that it's MARCH? Maybe they are too busy being hand fed grapes. Maybe they are lounging on the beach in sunny California? Whatever their excuse is, I'm not having it. They are going to have to answer to the backside of my hand.

Good thing we're packing all of our worldly possessions and catchin' us a aeroplane to Californie in two weeks!

(provided the sun gods don't attempt retrobution for my backhand and send another snow storm...perhaps I shall rethink my actions...nah, they deserve it)

Come swiftly Spring and take me away from Winter's {{cold}} clutches...


  1. It was 83 on Saturday... 78 yesterday... should be low 70's today and a chance of rain. It's been quite lovely. I'm actually in flats and a long dress today. :P

  2. Do YOU want to see the backside of my hand little missy??? DO YA????

  3. Aww Michelle-y...come hang with us in the desert...It's sunny and warm here. Boo hiss on that mean old snow miser!

  4. Hi Michelle-y!

    I really want to count that comment about Raven's shop as an entry, but it needs to be posted on the Coming to You Live From Chilly's Office post in order to be a valid entry. There's a linky to it in today's post! Thanks!
